
What is flora?

Flora refers to the plant life found in a particular region. It is naturally occurring or the indigenous native plant life.


What do you understand by fauna?

The term fauna represents all the animal species found in a particular region at a particular time. These are the naturally occurring animal species of the particular area.


What is the difference between flora and fauna?

Flora refers to all plant life and fauna refers to all animal life.  Fauna cannot prepare their own food so they depend upon the flora for their food.


What is the importance of flora and fauna?

Flora and fauna are a part of the ecosystem and they are interdependent on each other for their survival. Besides, the ecosystem becomes imbalanced if there are any adverse effects on flora and fauna, such as an extinction of a species.


List the prominent flora and fauna of India.

Flora and fauna of India include a wide range of plant and animal species, most of which is not found anywhere else in the world. Prominent examples of flora include junipers, pines and deodars, lotus, milk worts, Assam catkin yew, spiderwort, etc. Examples of fauna present in India include the Bengal tiger, Asian elephant, snow leopard, Indian rhino, Indian sloth bear, etc.


How are flora and fauna economically important?

The flora and fauna contribute to the economy of the area through tourism. They attract many tourists. Caribbean, Panama, Indonesia, Amazon forests are some areas that make a lot of money every year due to the incredible flora and fauna found there.


Give some examples of flora and fauna.

Some examples of flora include- grasslands, forests, flowering and non-flowering plants and trees.
A few examples of fauna include- birds, animals, fish, insects, etc.


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